Being, Anger, Self-forgetting, Will (Instinctual, Gut, Belly)
Everyone knows what it means to have
a gut feeling about something. This is the intuition of the body-based
types. They don't necessarily know in their heads how they know
that a certain decision is the right one, but a feeling in their
bodiestheir gutslets them know.
The emotion driving the three body-centered types is anger. Eights,
Nines, and Ones each have issues around anger: Eights have ready
access to it and direct it out toward others, Nines are unaware
of their anger, and Ones deny that they are angry and mostly aim
it at themselves.
Body-based types say to the world, "Here I am. Deal with me."
They ask, "How am I?" "Whose will is more powerful,
yours or mine?"
These three types sense their relationships to people and their
environment physically. They focus on being in controlEights
by aggressively taking control, Nines by deliberately relinquishing
control and going with the flow. Ones take control of themselves
by trying to make everything the way it should be.
These three types also have issues around self-forgetting. This
unconscious self-forgetting mechanism can be understood as a neglect
of the priorities they really value and as amnesia about what
is really in their best interests. What's important to them is
what's going on around them and they resist or forget what's going
on inside of them. They get so caught up in action and detail
that they have a hard time remembering what they really wanted
in the first place. They are resistant to an inner life. Anger,
which for Ones and Nines only occasionally surfaces in direct
experience, fuels their actions in the world.
Body centered types are instinctively concerned about their ability
to survive and (often unconsciously) with power and justice. They
have to know who is in charge. When things go wrong for them,
they usually blame themselves. "I'm bad." They are consciously
or unconsciously ruled by aggression and have little access to
their anxiety or fear. Their true selves are protected behind
a facade of self-assertion.
They think they know best what should be done and have many expectations
and demands of others as well of themselves. They expect others
to focus on them. It's as if by the power of just being there
in any situation, they can control it.
All these types somehow forget their own deepest desires in their
busyness to deal with the anger consciously or unconsciously.
Eights are so busy acting out their anger that they forget that
what they really want, and wanted from the beginning, is to be
loved and have affection. Nines are so busy denying their anger
and going along with others' points of view that they have forgotten
that what they always wanted was to be an important and effective
person in their own right. Ones are so busy channeling their anger
into making themselves and the world around them perfect that
they forget they just want to have fun in the beautiful perfect
world that already exists.
On the one hand they are careful to take care of their needs related
to safety, shelter and nourishment; on the other hand, they can
disdain and dismiss these needs, neglecting themselves.
The power issues of Eights, Nines and Ones can be seen in the
instinct to hold ground by adapting their environment to themselves.
Eights have a tendency to do this by dominating conversations
and decisions. Nines hold ground passively by stubbornly digging
in their heels and not letting anyone invade or make off with
their turf. Ones work on their surroundings to make them stronger
and more perfect in their eyes.
Eights, Nines and Ones all want respect for their power and strength.
They look to all the world like they are happy to go it alone
as rugged independents, but this masks the feelings of fears of
their own vulnerability and of losing themselves in others, i.e.
fears of co-dependency.
Feelings of bodily sensations are very strong for these types and
are usually present even before they are aware of them. These
instinctual feelings are the focus for Eight, Nine and One, either
because they struggle to control or properly express them, or
because they think these feelings have to be gotten rid of or
beaten out of them. These feelings, gut reactions, take the form
of endless either/or questioning which leads to constant inner
struggle: "Do I like something or not like it?" They
can have an uncanny accuracy about the feelings of others and
the world around them. The feelings can be so overpowering they
forget to think things through while in their grasp.
For Eights, Nines and Ones their "theme music" feelings
are like big brass bands that play so loudly they cannot hear
the soft strings playing in the background.