You can think of each of the centers as a musical
theme that plays the background music for that center's movies.
The theme for the Body Center, for
example, is anger. All the types in that center are variations
on that theme. Eight, Nine and One each deal with the issue of
anger consciously or unconsciously in a different way. Eights
act out their anger, Nines forget about itdeny it, and Ones
repress it and aim it inward in their quest to make themselves
perfect1. The variations on each musical theme change
The Body/gut/instinctual Center is
focused on being in the world. It acts and reacts spontaneously.
When you live on this level you experience living in your body
and letting the body react.2
The Heart/feeling/image Center is
focused on feelings and emotions. It is mostly concerned about
relationships with other people. When you live on this level you
experience achieving personal contact and connection with others.
The Head/thinking/mental Center is
focused on thinking and reflecting and intellectual doing. When
you live on this level you experience standing back from reality
as it is seen and trying to fit it together in some meaningful
pattern. 4
In trying to discover your own type, it can be helpful
to initially place yourself according to the head-heart-body division.
There are common traits and themes shared by the three types in
each center. Read through the descriptions of the three centers
and see if you can feel where you live most of the time. If you
can determine your center, you have narrowed your choices for
your type down to three.
Great thinkers have recognized these centers for ages. Plato likened
the three centers to a winged chariot pulled by three horses and
driven by a charioteer. The chariot represents our Body
or gut Center, and it has to be in good shape to get us where
we want to go. If the wheels are falling off, we are in trouble.
The horses represent the emotions or Heart
Center. They can get out of control and run off in the wrong
direction, or they can be reined in too severely and not be allowed
to move with their natural vitality and you never get anywhere.
We need to befriend the horses rather than beat them.
The Charioteer represents the Head Center.
If the charioteer is awake and paying attention, working well
with the horses and caring for the chariot, the journey will stay
on track and go in the right direction. The idea is that to be
most effective, the chariot, the horses and the charioteer are
all equally important and must be in balance with each other.
Likewise, our lives' journeys run most smoothly when our three
centers are in balance.5
At some level, the ego has chosen one of these centers to be the
ringleader to the detriment of the other two centers, causing
an imbalance in their functioning and interfering with the independent
(and interdependent) functioning of the three centers.6
We unconsciously make that center take over the functioning of
one or both of the other centersthe favored center muscles
its way to the top so to speak.
This substitution of one center for the work of another can be
seen in the example of learning to play the piano. Here the thinking
center takes over for the instinctive body-based center. At first
the thinking part of us has to direct each finger to each key.
Once you have learned it, your fingers instinctively know where
to go. Or, when we eat or drink excessively without thinking of
the effects on our bodies, the instinctual center prevails over
the mental center. These substitutions become so natural we do
not even think about them, and certainly we are not even aware
that they are happening.
By the way, though you may be able to naturally communicate with
and understand the people in your own center, relationships with
people in other centers can offer counter-balancing elements that
balance your own personality.